(*) Note: TheBaseline Ratingis the individual product score without considering specific intent or context. See the details of each model below to get a contextual, goal-oriented, analysis.
Before we start discussing the chairs on the chart above, there are a few interesting notes to make about the chart itself.
- First,no one company dominates this segment of the market. Five finalists, five different companies, including one off-brand that makes a surprisingly strong appearance, placing third.
- Second, althoughno single chair has more than one of the “Big Three” featureswe talked about before, our top three feature space-saving tech, while the bottom two feature the hideaway ottoman.
- Third, our baseline rankings are useful in this context but only tell part of the story because they rate massage chairs across multiple dimensions that extend far beyond simply which is the best for home use, so bear that in mind when looking at the numbers!
- It’s also interesting to note thatthree of our finalists utilize a track and roller system;one doesn’t have a track, relying solely on airbags to render its massage and one only has four airbags to facilitate body stretching.
Depending on how you feel about Air Massage Mode, that information may well color your thinking.
Prices span a relatively broad spectrumhere, from sub-$1000 to the very top of the band we’re looking at, so there’s a little something for everyone.
Having said that, let’s start by taking a look at our winner in this category.
Our Pick: Kahuna LM6800
Our Pick
Recommended For: Hobbyist/casual users, chronic pain sufferers, and taller users, almost anybody, will love this chair!
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*Brand Reliabilityis a measure of the strength and longevity of the brand, which by extension, is a measure of the level of support you can expect.
The Kahuna LM6800 model has placed first in other roundup reviews we’ve done, and for a good reason. It packs an almost ridiculous amount of functionality into an incredibly modestly priced chair. It’s the second cheapest chair in this category but has as many or more features than its more expensive competitors.
There’s so much to like about this model that it’s hard to know where to begin.
L/S Track
The Hybrid L/S-Track is a pleasant surprise. It allows the chair’s quad rollers to travel far beyond the base of your spine to your glutes and the backs of your spine.
Zero-Gravity Seating
Massage quality is made even better by virtue of the presence of three Zero-G seating options, which recline you to a position where your knees are elevated slightly above your heart.
From here, most of your body’s weight is pressing down against the rollers, resulting in a deeper, more penetrating, and ultimately more satisfying massage experience. The presence of three different positions to choose from is just icing on the cake!
Of course, massage quality isn’t based just on track length and the type of rollers used. If those rollers aren’t hitting where it hurts, your experience will be sub-optimal.
Body Scan
The LM6800 solves this by using a two-pronged approach. First, before your massage begins, the onboard computer takes a scan of your back and makes a series of automatic adjustments to the position of the rollers and the width of the massage field to make it better align with your body’s pressure points.
If the technology should fail, the remote has buttons that allow you to make manual adjustments, guaranteeing a world-class massage every time you use the chair.
Air Massage + Roller Massage
Where the Air Massage is concerned, the LM6800 comes up slightly short, utilizing First Generation Airbags. It’s not a bad experience, but if you have occasion to test all the chairs we talk about here, you’ll find that Infinity’s Evoke renders a superior experience, and the Relaxonchair MK IV is roughly on par.

Where the roller-based massage is concerned, you’ll find a lot to like. The chair’s got all the basics covered, and offers one advanced technique (Shiatsu). There are also five pre-programmed options, but these are defined by different body regions as follows:
- Neck to Waist
- Lower back to Waist
- Neck to Glutes
- Mid-Back to Glutes
Perhaps the best part about the roller-based massage is the “Zone” button.
This allows you to interrupt any currently running massage program and focus the rollers exactly where it hurts, maximizing the therapeutic benefits of the massage you’re getting.
Extensive Heat
Less than half the massage chairs on the market today offer heat of any kind, and most of the ones that do offer it are only in the lumbar region.
Again, the LM6800 shines here, providing heat that covers the lower half of your back and your calves, thanks to heating elements in the leg massage ports, which enhances the calf and foot massage as well.

Calf and Foot Massage
Speaking of the calf and foot massage, even without the heating elements, it would be superior to every other chair on this list, thanks to its utilization of quad rollers for the soles of the feet, whereas most chairs only use dual rollers.
If you spend several hours a day on your feet, this is likely to be your favorite aspect of the design, but maybe not – there are so many outstanding features it’s hard to choose!
Body Stretch
This is yet another stand-out feature. As a company, Kahuna is known for offering the best body stretch in the business (their patented “Yoga Stretch”). Not every model they make utilizes it, but the LM6800 is one of these.
There’s no other feature that offers greater therapeutic value than this. It provides almost immediate pain relief by taking pressure off compressed discs in your spine in much the same way that a chiropractic adjustment does.
That, combined with massage plus heat and the superb calf and foot massage, make this chair a true wonder deserving of top honors in this category.
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Runner-Up: Infinity Evoke
Recommended For: Chronic pain sufferers who are no taller than 6’2”. Not for casual or hobbyist use.
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*Brand Reliabilityis a measure of the strength and longevity of the brand, which by extension, is a measure of the level of support you can expect.
By any reckoning, the Evoke is an excellent chair, although not quite as feature-rich as the LM6800. That, combined with its higher price tag are the twin reasons it wound up in the runner-up spot, rather than winning top honors.
When it comes to the basics, it shares some features with Kahuna’s model,including the two-step roller adjustment methodology and quad rollers.
The first shortcoming you’ll note is that the Evoke only uses an S-Track rather than the much longer Hybrid S/L-Track, but this won’t matter much to you unless you are particularly interested in a glute and thigh massage.
Like the LM6800, this model offers zero-G seating, but you only get a single seating position here.
That’s not a deal-breaker for most people, but of course, more options are always better!

A Superior Air Massage
This is one of the Evoke’s stand-out features. It delivers a better air massage than most other massage chairs in its class, courtesy ofits 38 Second Generation Airbags.
Even better, you can choose to activate all of them at once for a delightful full-body experience, or you can select only the body regions you want to be massaged, as follows:
- Arm
- Hand
- Hip and Thigh
- Shoulder
- Calf
- Foot
Other Massage Modes
Like our winner in this category,the Infinity Evoke also features a Zone/Partial massage mode and offers an exceptional foot and calf massage. It makes good use of its superior number of airbags and combines these with tri-rollers on each foot.
Lumbar Heat
Unfortunately,this chair’s heat function is somewhat limited, being offered only in the lumbar region of the back (so no heat in the leg massage ports at all). Even so, this feature is another stand-out of the design.
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Budget Pick: Relaxonchair MK IV
Budget Pick
Relaxonchair MK-IV Massage Chair
Recommended For: Anyone; taller users will be especially interested.
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*Brand Reliabilityis a measure of the strength and longevity of the brand, which by extension, is a measure of the level of support you can expect.
This little off-brand chair packs a value punch and distinguishes itself primarily by being the only model in its price range thatoffers two of the “Big Three” featuresvital for home use.
In addition to Space-Saving Technology,it also offers three memory slots, allowing different members of your household to save your favorite massage (or, you can be greedy and use them all yourself!)
However, the MK IV offers a lot more than just that. Like the winner of this segment of our competition,it’s built around a super-long Hybrid L/S-Track and quad rollers, features the same two-stage method for handling roller position and massage field width, and offers two Zero-G seating positions.
Key Features
It gets better because the MK IV also includes:
- A Body Stretch Feature(not quite as good as Kahuna’s “Yoga Stretch,” but certainly acceptable).
- Heat through the mid-back.
- An Air Massage that’s on par with our winner, the LM6800.
- An adjustable massage timer.
As with our top two contenders, the MK IV also takes extra effort to make its calf and foot massage stand out,utilizing a combination of airbags and (Dual) Shiatsu rollers for the soles of the feet.
While not quite as amazing as the calf and foot implementation of Kahuna and Infinity’s offering, it is still remarkable and willprobably be one of your favorite aspects of the design.
Two of the “Big Three” features, lots of extras, and offered at a modest price; it is very hard not to like this chair!! In fact, the only reason it didn’t score as well as its peers on this list is because it has very little brand heft. If you’re not brand-conscious and take that out of the equation, you get an adjusted score of 4.25, making it a solid competitor indeed!
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Also Great
Omega Aires
Recommended For: Hobbyist users and people who suffer from chronic calf and foot pain.
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*Brand Reliabilityis a measure of the strength and longevity of the brand, which by extension, is a measure of the level of support you can expect.
The little Omega Aires is a bit of a surprise in this category. As the lowest-priced model in this segment, it has its limitations and is unique in thatit doesn’t have a massage trackat all.Its entire massage function is handled by the19 Second Generation Airbagsscattered strategically throughout the chair.
Don’t let the relatively modest number of airbags fool you! Remember,these are second-generation airbags, and the quality of the massage they’re capable of will pleasantly surprise you!
Because it is a value-priced offering, there are other limitations, of course.
For example, it does not feature Space-Saving Technology, but that’s not a huge issue given thatthis isn’t a monster-sized chair to begin with. Plus,the hideaway ottoman disguises the fact that it’s a massage chair at all.At first, or even second glance, it appears to be an ordinary lounging chair, blending in well with most home décor.
The air massage is somewhat customizable, too. You can activate all the airbags at once or selectively activate them in the following regions:
- Whole Back
- Waist
- Calves and Feet
While it’s true that there is no massage track,there are rollers (dual) rollers located at the bottom of each footwell, so you still get an airbag and roller-based calf and foot massage of good, but not exceptional quality.
The Omega Aires distinguishes itself somewhat here by offering more customization than other models, in thatthe speed of the foot rollers can be adjusted through three levelsvia the remote.
Because this model has relatively fewer features, it also has an incredibly simple, intuitive remote and is the easiest of the five models to master.A real gem for the price!
*Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued. Check out otherOmega Massage Chairswe’ve reviewed.
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Human Touch HT 7120
Human Touch 7120 Massage Chair
Recommended For: Hobbyists and those who suffer from chronic lower back and/or leg and foot pain.
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*Brand Reliabilityis a measure of the strength and longevity of the brand, which by extension, is a measure of the level of support you can expect.
Human Touch has made a name for itself by designing chairs that are fun and functional. Most of their models are designed to blend seamlessly with your home’s décor and hide the fact that they’re massage chairs, and the HT 7120 is no exception.
Hideaway Ottoman
Rather than utilizing Space-Saving Technology,it employs a hideaway ottomanto good effect, lending the appearance that the chair is just an ordinary recliner when not in use.
It also does something that most other massage chairs can’t do –it swivels!
You won’t realize just how handy and convenient that is until you try it, but the ability to swivel in place while you’re getting your massage means you don’t have to interrupt the program and get up to reach some nearby object. A small thing, but the first time you use it, you’ll be very glad it’s present!
The massage track is somewhat short – a standard S-Track, which means that its quad rollers can’t reach quite as far as they can on some of our other models, but the massage itself is excellent.

Note, however, that the HT 7120 does not employ Body Scanning Technology. There is no automatic roller adjustment feature, although you retain manual control of this ability from the included remote.
Like many of our other finalists, this model alsooffers a Body Stretch feature. Its calf and foot massage is distinguished by utilizing Human Touch’s patented “Figure-8 Paddle System,”which delivers an experience widely regarded as superior to the standard airbag and roller approach.
While not quite as feature-rich as our other finalists,the HT7120 is easily the most stylish and attractive chairin the lineup and is well worth considering for that reason alone if aesthetics are important to you.
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What’s the Best Recliner for Home Use Under $3000 in 2022?
These five models are the best massage chairs under $3000 on the market today. While we stand by our top pick, theKahuna LM6800, the reality is that any of these will serve you well.
Here are some reasons you may want to consider one of the other models:
- If a superior air massage matters most to you, thenInfinity’s Evokeis the model you want.
- If you’re looking for a chair with more than one of the “Big Three” features, Relaxonchair’s MK IV deserves extra attention. The three memory slots make it easy for different household members to save their favorite settings.
- If you’re on a budget, then the littleOmega Airesdeserves a second look.
- If style matters, then theHuman Touch HT 7120wins, hands down.
Recommended Reading
Best Massage Chairs Under $3000
We discovered, researched, compared and reviewed the best massage chair you can get with a three thousand dollar budget.
Massage Chair for Sciatica
We created a guide on the top massage recliners for anyone suffering from sciatic pain.
- Kahuna Massage Chairs, Official Brand Website.
- Infinity Massage Chair, Official Brand Website.
- Relaxonchair Massage Chair, Official Brand Website.
- Human Touch Massage Chair, Official Brand Website.
- Osaki Massage Chair, Official Brand Website.
- Fujita Massage Chair, Official Brand Website.