Rabbits Available For Adoption (2024)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (1)

${getThumbnails(animal.WEBSITEIMAGECOUNT, animal.ID)}

Rabbit record last changed on ${formatDate(animal.LASTCHANGEDDATE)}.


Rabbits Available For Adoption (2)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (3)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (4)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (5)



My Story

Age: ${animal.ANIMALAGE}

Weight: ${animal.WEIGHT}kg

Breed: ${animal.BREEDNAME}

Colour: ${animal.BASECOLOURNAME}

Date of Entry: ${formatDate(animal.MOSTRECENTENTRYDATE)}

Time in Rescue: ${animal.TIMEONSHELTER}


Reason for Entry: ${animal.ENTRYREASONNAME}


Special Needs? ${yesNo(animal.HASSPECIALNEEDS)}



`;return layoutHTML;}function locationStatus(location) { var location = location; var locationStatus; if (location == "Rehoming Assistance Programme") { locationStatus = "RAP"; } else { locationStatus = "BelovedRabbits"; } return locationStatus}function FosterSponsor(location) { var FosterSponsorStatement; var FosterNoSponsor = "

Sponsor Rescue Rabbits

I am cared for in Foster Care and my Foster Space has not been sponsored yet!

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

"; var RescueNoSponsor = "

Sponsor Rescue Rabbits

I am cared for in Beloved Rabbits' Rescue Centre, The Hoppy Hub, and my Rescue Space has not been sponsored yet!

We are looking for businesses to sponsor our Rescue Spaces, and support the continued work we do to help Scotland's Rabbits. Find out how your business can benefit from supporting our Rescue Rabbits.

"; switch (location) {case "H1) Forest::01) Hawthorn":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H1) Forest::02) Elm":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H1) Forest::03) Hazel":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H1) Forest::04) Willow":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H1) Forest::05) Spruce":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H2) Herb Garden::06) Mint":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H2) Herb Garden::07) Parsley":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H2) Herb Garden::08) Thyme":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H3) Hay Hutch::09) Timothy":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H3) Hay Hutch::10) Meadow":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H3) Hay Hutch::11) Orchard":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H3) Hay Hutch::12) Oat":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H3) Hay Hutch::13) Alfalfa":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H4) Berry Basket::14) Blackberry":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H4) Berry Basket::15) Blueberry":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H4) Berry Basket::16) Cranberry":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H4) Berry Basket::17) Strawberry":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "H4) Berry Basket::18) Raspberry":FosterSponsorStatement = RescueNoSponsor;break;case "Rehoming Assistance Programme":FosterSponsorStatement = "";break;case "Foster::Jill Johnston":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Susan Russell

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Emma Harley":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Morgam O'Neill

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Alison Anderson":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Eliza Mather

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Lynne Hamilton":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by David Fitzpatrick

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Julie Carnell":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Thomas Fox

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Fern Blackwood":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Vonora Lockheart

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Angelica Kiani":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Claire Monoghan

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Heather Gray":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Joanne Service

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::David Bell":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Michele Dutra

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Eliza Mather":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Nora Uhrig

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Jennifer Milne":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Jacqueline Bell

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Lauren Bruce":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Lynda McAdam

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;case "Foster::Sandy Chan":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Kristy Weldon

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break; case "Foster::Mags McNaughton":FosterSponsorStatement = "

My Space Is Sponsored!

I am cared for in Foster Care and my space is proudly sponsored by Heather Thomson

You can support our work and help us with the financial costs associated with caring for rabbits by sponsoring our rescue rabbits.

";break;default:FosterSponsorStatement = FosterNoSponsor;break;} return FosterSponsorStatement;}function RAPContent(location, neuteredName) { var RAPStatement; if (location == 'Rehoming Assistance Programme' && neuteredName == 'No') { RAPStatement = "

Rehoming Assistance Programme

I am not yet within the Beloved Rabbits care network, and live with my current owner. You can request me from the Waiting List!

"; } else { if (location == 'Rehoming Assistance Programme' && neuteredName == 'Yes') { RAPStatement = "

Rehoming Assistance Programme
Ready To Adopt!

I am not yet within the Beloved Rabbits care network, and live with my current owner. But I am neutered and ready to adopt! You can request me from the Waiting List!

"; } else { RAPStatement = "

Direct from Beloved Rabbits

I am already part of the Beloved Rabbits care network!

"; } } return RAPStatement;}function formatDate(d) { if (d !== null) { var myDate = new Date(d); var formattedDate = myDate.getDate() +"/" + (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + myDate.getFullYear(); return formattedDate; } else {var formattedDate = ""; return formattedDate; }}function formatDueDate(d) { if (d !== null) { var myDate = new Date(d); var today = new Date(); if (myDate > today) {var formattedDate = "

" + myDate.getDate() +"/" + (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + myDate.getFullYear();return formattedDate; } else {var formattedDate = "" + myDate.getDate() +"/" + (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + myDate.getFullYear();return formattedDate; } } else { var formattedDate = ""; return formattedDate; }}function yesNo(v) { if (v == 0) {var r = "No";return r; } else {var r = "Yes";return r; }}function envImage(check) {var env = check;switch (env) {case "Indoor":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitEnv-I.png';return url;break;case "Outdoor":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitEnv-O.png';return url;break;case "Indoor or Outdoor":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitEnv-B.png';return url;break;case "Unknown":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitEnv-U.png';return url;break;}}function genImage(check) {var gen = check;switch (gen) {case "Male":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitGender-M.png';return url;break;case "Female":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitGender-F.png';return url;break;case "Unknown":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitGender-U.png';return url;break;}}function sizImage(check) {var siz = check;switch (siz) {case "Small":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitSiz-S.png';return url;break;case "Medium":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitSiz-M.png';return url;break;case "Large":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitSiz-L.png';return url;break;case "Very Large":url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/RabbitSiz-X.png';return url;break;}}function neutImage(check) {var neut = check;switch (neut) {case 0:url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/NotNeutered.png';return url;break;case 1:url = 'https://belovedrabbits.org/wp-includes/images/rabbitcards/Neutered.png';return url;break;}}function bondStat(bonded1, bonded2, litter) {var bonded1Name = bonded1;var bonded2Name = bonded2;var litterName = litter;var bondedStatus;if (litterName !== ""){bondedStatus = "groups_litters";return bondedStatus;}else{if (bonded1Name === null && bonded2Name === null) {bondedStatus = "Single";return bondedStatus;}else{bondedStatus = "Bonded";return bondedStatus;}}}function environmentPreference(env) {var preferredEnvironment = env;switch (preferredEnvironment) {case "Indoor":envStatus = 'Prefers Indoor Environments';return envStatus;break;case "Outdoor":envStatus = 'Prefers Outdoor Environments';return envStatus;break;case "Indoor or Outdoor":envStatus = 'Suited to most environments';return envStatus;break;case "Unknown":envStatus = 'Assessing Environments';return envStatus;break;}}function neuteredStatus(neuteredName,neuterExempt,neuterVoucher,neuteredDate,age,gender) {var nStatus;var fDate = formatDate(neuteredDate);if (neuteredName == 'Yes' && fDate !== ""){nStatus = "Neutered on
" + formatDate(neuteredDate);return nStatus;}else{if (neuteredName =='Yes'){nStatus = "Neutered by
Previous Owner";return nStatus;}else{if (neuterVoucher == 1){if (age == '3-6 Months' && gender !== 'Male'){nStatus = "Neutering Voucher
Provided";return nStatus;}else{if (age == 'Under 3 Months'){nStatus = "Neutering Voucher
Provided";return nStatus;}else{nStatus = "Reserve Now & We'll neuter asap!";return nStatus;}}}else{if (neuterExempt == 1){nStatus = "Cannot be neutered:
see Health section";return nStatus;}else{nStatus = "Reserve Now & We'll neuter asap!";return nStatus;}}}}}function bondedStatement (bonded1, bonded2, litter, bondingSuitability) {var bonded1Name = bonded1;var bonded2Name = bonded2;var litterName = litter;var suitability;switch (bondingSuitability){case null:suitability = "For Pairs or Groups";break;case "Pair or Group Bonding":suitability = "For Pairs or Groups";break;case "Pair Bonding Only":suitability = "For Pairs Only";break;case "Male-Female Bonds Only":suitability = "For Male-Female Bond";break;case "Not Suited For Bonding":suitability = "As A Single Rabbit";break; }if (bonded1Name === null && bonded2Name === null && litterName === ""){var r = "Suitable " + suitability;return r;}else{if (litterName === ""){if (bonded1Name === null){var r = "Bonded with " + bonded2Name + "";return r;}else{if(bonded2Name === null){var r = "Bonded with " + bonded1Name + "";return r;}else{var r = "Bonded with " + bonded1Name + "
and " + bonded2Name + "";return r;}}}else{ if (litterName.includes("Litter")) {var r = "From the " + litterName; return r; } else { var r = "Bonded With the " + litterName; return r; }}}}function readyStatus(neuteredName,neuterExempt,neuterVoucher,age,gender,location) {var rStatus;if (location == 'Rehoming Assistance Programme'){ rStatus = " class='status-orange'>Rehoming Assistance Programme
Request Me From The Waiting List!"; return rStatus;}else{if (neuteredName == 'Yes'){rStatus = " class='status-green'>Ready For Adoption NOW!";return rStatus;}else{if (neuterVoucher == 1){if (age == '3-6 Months' && gender !== 'Male'){rStatus = " class='status-green'>Ready For Adoption Now, with Neuter Voucher";return rStatus;}else{if (age == 'Under 3 Months'){rStatus = " class='status-green'>Ready For Adoption Now, with Neuter Voucher";return rStatus;}else{rStatus = " class='status-orange'>Awaiting Neuter - Reserve now for adoption in 3-6 weeks";return rStatus;}}}else{if (neuterExempt == 1){rStatus = " class='status-green'>Ready for Adoption NOW!";return rStatus;}else{rStatus = " class='status-orange'>Awaiting Neuter - Reserve now for adoption in 3-6 weeks";return rStatus;}}}}}function readyStatusFilter(neuteredName,neuterExempt,neuterVoucher,age,gender) {var rStatus;if (neuteredName == 'Yes'){rStatus = "Ready";}else{if (neuterVoucher == 1){if (age == '3-6 Months' && gender !== 'Male'){rStatus = "Ready";}else{if (age == 'Under 3 Months'){rStatus = "Ready";}else{rStatus = "Not_Ready";}}}else{if (neuterExempt == 1){rStatus = "Ready";}else{rStatus = "Not_Ready";}}}return rStatus;}function getThumbnails(webImageCount, rabbitID) {var content;switch (webImageCount) {case 0:content = "";return content;break;case 1:content = "

Rabbits Available For Adoption (8)

";return content;break;case 2:content = "

Rabbits Available For Adoption (9)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (10)

";return content;break;case 3:content = "

Rabbits Available For Adoption (11)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (12)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (13)

";return content;break;case 4:content = "

Rabbits Available For Adoption (14)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (15)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (16)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (17)

";return content;break;default:content = "

Rabbits Available For Adoption (18)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (19)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (20)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (21)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (22)

";return content;break;}}function getMainImg(webImageCount, rabbitID) { var MainImgURL if (webImageCount == 0) { MainImgURL = "https://service.sheltermanager.com/asmservice?account=beloved&method=extra_image&title=nopic.jpg"; } else { MainImgURL = "https://service.sheltermanager.com/asmservice?account=fb0343&method=animal_image&animalid=" + rabbitID + "&seq=1"; } return MainImgURL; }var images = document.getElementsByClassName("rabbitImg");for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { images[i].onmouseover = function() { this.style.cursor = "hand"; this.style.borderColor = "#f18920"; }; images[i].onmouseout = function() { this.style.cursor = "pointer"; this.style.borderColor = "#50256b"; };}function changeImageOnClick(event, imgID) { // debugger; var targetElement = event.srcElement; // debugger; if (targetElement.tagName === "IMG") { imgID.src = targetElement.getAttribute("src"); }} function applyFilters() { var mainContainer = document.getElementById("allRabbits"); mainContainer.innerHTML = `` // Clear existing content // Output the values to the console or use them as needed // var div = document.createElement("div"); // div.innerHTML = ` //

Preferred Environment: ${environmentValues}


Gender: ${genderValues}


Neuter Status: ${neuterStatusValues}


Bonded Status ${bondedStatusValues}

// `; // mainContainer.appendChild(div); // Filter Shelter Manager Fetch Statement var zrabbits; fetch('https://service.sheltermanager.com/asmservice?account=fb0343&method=json_adoptable_animals&username=website&password=belovedrabbits').then(res => res.json()).then(data => zrabbits = data).then(() => appendFilteredData(zrabbits));}function groupHelp(litter){ var r = ""; var litterName = litter; if (litterName.includes("Litter")) { r = "
Can be adopted with or without littermates
"; } else { if (litterName.includes("Group")) { r = "
All rabbits within the group must be adopted together.
"; } else { r = ""; } } return r;}

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Powered by Rabbits Available For Adoption (23)

Rabbits Available For Adoption (2024)


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Article information

Author: Horacio Brakus JD

Last Updated:

Views: 5727

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.